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World Cup - Cricket

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World Cup - Cricket Empty World Cup - Cricket

Post by Alby Sat Feb 14, 2015 1:14 am

Yes , Melbourne is the sport capital ...
Now Crickets World Cup is here !
And just as I type this we get some blue sky.... Late yesterday and all through the night... rain and storms. Feb. is usually one hell of a dry month.
Our local cricket here in Geelong has been called off. Even a clear hot sunny day won't help. the grounds will be waterlogged and unsafe to play on.
Oh well... down to the clubrooms later on this arvo to watch the World Cup kick off with Australia vs England up in Melbourne at the MCG.
A few guys from my club are heading up to the game.
I went to the last one held in Melbourne years ago... the final .... Pakistan vs England... Great game... Pakis won !
My poor wife will be an even more cricket widow... heh heh...

Should be a good game. Hope the Aussies don't take it too lightly... It's a humid steamy day and there will be 2 balls used. (one at each end) So it will hard on the batsmen...

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World Cup - Cricket Empty Re: World Cup - Cricket

Post by Alby Mon Apr 13, 2015 5:55 am

After a lot of games
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Age : 61
Location : Geelong, Vic., Australia

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